Before You Make the Choice: Four Things We Suggest You Do First
When it comes to making a final decision about assisted suicide, there are a few things that you should realistically do first. This is something that we will be placing a bit more focus upon. The decision to end one’s life is hardly an easy one to make. This is particularly true when it comes after having led a pretty darn good life.
Illness is something that we do not count on happening to us. So when it does it can really knock the wind out of our sails. This is why before you make the choice regarding assisted suicide; we suggest that you do these things first:
Take Some Time to Yourself
The news that life’s quality is about to go rapidly downhill can be pretty crazy and overwhelming. While the ‘deadline’ might still be months away, it would be good for you to take some time for yourself first. Tell friends and family that you would like to be alone for a while. It is important that they know where you are so that they can still check up on you but respect your need for space.
While you are by yourself, think long and hard about the decisions that you can make. If you are interested in assisted suicide, we suggest that you go to the next step.
Find Out More about Assisted Suicide
Assisted suicide is a topic that is discussed widely by a multitude of online forums and organizations worldwide. Information is there, you simply need to locate it. It is important that you empower your choice through information because you need to be absolutely certain that this is something that you really want—not something that was a knee-jerk reaction to a startling diagnosis.
Find Someone You Trust to Talk About It
Once you have calmed down and once you have more information about assisted suicide, we suggest that you talk to someone that you trust implicitly. Let them know what’s on your mind—swear them to secrecy if you have to.
Facing this sort of thing by yourself isn’t really healthy; so having someone you trust talk about your options is a good way to get your ideas sorted out.
Talk It Over With Your Physician
Of course, if there was anyone that could help you out with your options is your doctor. Talk to them about what you want to do and see what they have to say about it. If they are against it, consider their opinion but know that it should not ultimately affect your own decision.
They will be able to have a better understanding of which places offer assisted suicide and they can talk you through the process. This is critical since assisted suicide will require the help of a physician in the end.
We sincerely hope that you take our advice to heart. We understand that this is a rather tumultuous time in your life and it is paramount that you are careful with your choices. Assisted suicide is an option, yes—but it isn’t your only one. We highly suggest that you really go through the tips we’ve given above and see for yourself if your initial decision is still the one you want to go with.
If it is then we hope that you are able to obtain the support that you need. If you do not get that support, get in touch with organizations that are willing and able to help you out. With that in mind, which one of the four tips above have you tried out?